Friday, May 4, 2007

I'm in, who's not in...

It is less than two weeks until our May Event. (May 17th). If you are coming be sure to let me or Sean know. (Not that we will deny you a seat if you call at 6:30 on May 17th wanting to play). We had nine players last month. It should be another great game. For those of you who have not come in a few months, it would be good to see you again. For those we see every month, I expect you will be there.

Also for our online events we need to be recruiting more people to play. I like you guys but damn I'm tired of seeing only the 5-6 avatar mugs every week. If anyone has any ideas as to get more people to play feel free to let us know. If might be fun to open it up to Ante Up, TPT or TPL players. What are your thoughts?


Sean Reed said...

Anthony and Adam said they're coming.

aaronf said...

I'm coming back finally!

I'll see if I can tear andre away from his beloved World of Warcraft for one night and drag his butt along.