Monday, July 27, 2009

Training Sites, Mult-tabling and Grinding

After getting frustrated with the direction my game has been going lately, I signed up for a membership at They are one of the only training sites that does not have a sign up fee and they have a seven day trial. I took full advantage of the trial and watched a number of videos, particularly a SNG series (Real Life Micro SNG Grinder) by Vandweller. Hearing Vandweller coach a player that I consider in the same situation as myself was very enlightening. I picked up so much good information that I was able to put to use rather quickly. It all seemed to just click. It helped me understand why I was unable to multitable with any real success. I was over thinking my hands in the early rounds. The most tables I have ever played was three and maybe four but I was only comfortable with two. After watching a few videos in the series I tried four then six. I have to say I can now comfortably six table. My ROI in the first six table session was 87.5% (not too shabby). While I have always been one to read the latest in poker lit, I have found the training site videos to be a useful tool in extended my poker knowledge. I am now also experimenting with Holdem Manager to see how this software can help me find and close leaks in my game. I have finally come to the conclusion that while I have been playing seriously for a long time I was really only a casual player online, NOW I am making the change to being a grinder. As a casual player I will never be profitable to the degree that I have money to spend. My goal is to be profitable and have money to spend. After I absorb all that I have learned fully, I plan to continue my use of DC and the great videos they offer.

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