Saturday, September 13, 2008

Where have all the poker books gone?

Donna and I enjoy hanging out at the bookstore, sipping coffee while reading books and magazines. I should also note that I am not a complete freeloader... I actually buy the books I find worth buying after reading a bit. Of course, I always make a B-line for the Poker section. (I know its not a freakin' library, but hey have you been to the library lately? Nothing but old books and homeless people trying to stay cool/warm)

This past weekend, my favorite section took another hit. The poker books are right between Chess and video game strategy guides in the "Games" section at Barnes & Noble. I have witnessed over the past couple of years (since the passing of UIEGA) the shrinkage of the poker book real estate. Back in the day, It took an entire section (5-6 shelves) plus at least two additional shelves in another section. Over time that section has slowly been reduced to approx. two shelves. WTF! And it looks like no new books are coming in either. I was actually shocked to see a single copy of Gus Hansen's new book and equally disappointed to find no new Harrington Cash Game books. Meanwhile it seems that the number of chess books and vg strategy guides have increased. And don't even think about going over to the magazine rack and flipping through a Card Player, BLUFF, All In or even Ante Up! Magazine... cause they ain't there like they used to be.

While I know it's easy (and usually cheaper) to order books online, I do like to actually flip through it myself to judge whether it is worth the money. And reviews can only tell me so much.

Has anyone else noticed this trend or is it just the three bookstores I visit?

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