Thursday, March 29, 2007

Online Event #10 Results in a Shutout

Well, 5 players signed on tonight for Event #10. Here's the results:

5th- All In Reed (Sean)
4th- mukraven (Matt)
3rd- Harley1998 (Jeff) Won $5.00
2nd- car_guy_67 (Brian) Won $7.50

Champion: OutlawJesco (Trinity) Won $12.50

Jeff took an early lead with a big pot from POY leader mukraven. But the star of the evening was OutlawJesco who took down a huge pot of over $4K with 3 players all-in (Sean, Jeff & Trinity). Trinity's straight beat out Jeff & Sean's two pair. Outlaw continued to dominate with great cards, and even doubled Harly1998 up a couple of times. In the end OutlawJesco played a shutout to take down all four players. Good game all.


brian said...

I want to know how much Trin. paid the dealer
tried to bluff you off the last hand
good game

Sean Reed said...

Yeah, he was a card rack wednesday night!